Software projects
As part of my research I develop and contribute to software tools that help improve the ways we do research.
These tools are aimed at:
- facilitating the preparation of stimuli for research studies
- facilitating designing different aspects of the research cycle (e.g., counterbalancing)
- improving the way we collect data, by allowing to collect data more efficiently while minimizing the burden of researchers and research participants
- allowing to collect new kinds of data (e.g., RT where only accuracy was collected)
All the research software tools I develop are built in a way to make them easy to use and easy to maintain. The projects are always open to new contributors and are beginner-friendly, so do not hesitate in contacting me if you are interested.
This is a selective list of software projects that I maintain or contribute to. Please see Github to find a more complete list.
wdiff helps analyze how difficult a Spanish word is to spell. The objetive is to improve research on spelling skill and may also be useful for games that require user's to spell Spanish words.
Contributor(s): Mario E. Bermonti-Pérez
stimpool helps you easily create stimuli pools for cognitive, learning, and psycholinguistics research.
Contributor(s): Mario E. Bermonti-Pérez
mSpelling is a Spanish spelling test developed for research on spelling skills. It was design to be as easy to administer and as flexible as possible to facilitate conducting research on spelling skills.
Contributor(s): Mario E. Bermonti-Pérez